Call for Presentations

The 2023 NPA Call for Presentations is Now Open!

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 3, 2023

Preparation  |  Audience  |  Topics  |  Responsibilities  |  Submission Process  |  Evaluation Process  |  Acceptance Process

The 2023 NPA Convention & Expo will be held September 18-21 in New Orleans,  LA. This is the one event of the year that will bring together the foremost experts and resources in the parking industry. It is an opportunity for parking professionals in all sectors of the industry to come together for career development, business best practices, collaboration, and networking.

NPA is seeking presentations that celebrate successes, challenge our thinking, and push the parking industry forward. We are seeking proposals that:

•    Exhibit thought leadership
•    Inspire innovation
•    Engage the audience
•    Target mid-career and/or C-suite executives
•    Explore issues directly or indirectly related to parking
•    Provide substantial takeaways for the audience

With these Objectives:

  1. Originality: NPA strives to offer original content at its meeting to broaden the opportunities for parking professionals and grow the industry
  2. Relevance: NPA is looking for education that fills knowledge and skill gaps, and is of considerable interest to the attendee.
  3. Program Design: NPA requires that sessions have clear learning objectives that are both measurable and achievable.
  4. Ability to Inspire Action: NPA is looking for speakers capable of inspiring attendees to incorporate what they learned at Convention into their jobs.
  5. Overall Quality: NPA is committed to providing quality, inspired education for the betterment of the parking professional and the industry.

We’ve prepared some helpful tools to prepare you for the process. Before you begin your online submission process, we encourage you to review the links above to prepare yourself for the submission process. You can always start your submission and come back to it any time before February 3, 2023, 8:00 PM EST, as long as you hit SAVE and create an account. Keep in mind that any incomplete submissions will not be evaluated. We are unable extend the deadline.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email

Prepare First, Submit Second

Before beginning the online submission process, take the time for thoughtful preparation. Think about who you are targeting, what you want to instill in them and how you will engage them. Here are a few tips:
  • Titles should be concise (10 words or less) and intriguing while encapsulating what will be covered in the session.
  • Your description (150 words or less) should focus on how the material you are presenting will impact the audience member and his/her business.
  • Learning objectives should be clear, specific, and measurable. They should reflect the skills with which the audience will leave your session.
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Know Your Audience

NPA members and attendees come from all sectors of the parking industry: commercial operators, valet operators, municipalities, hospitals, airports and universities. Attendees come from all sizes of organizations and have a variety of responsibilities. More than 50% of NPA’s members are in the C-suite.

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Topics to Consider

Based on feedback from NPA members, attendees, surveys and, committees, the following topics are considered “hot.” Consider these interest areas when developing your proposal:

  • Ancillary Business Models (Shuttles, Bikes, etc)
  • Customer Service and Service Recovery Systems
  • Human Resources and Employee Engagement Processes
  • Marketing, Social Media, Apps, and Community Relations
  • Mobility and Transportation Trends
  • New Technologies and Innovations
  • Parking Facility Design and Urban Development Issues
  • Parking Operations, Maintenance and Sustainability Programs
  • Parking Profiles (Municipal, Healthcare, University, Etc.)
  • Safety, Risk Management, and Emergency Preparedness
  • Valet Parking Operations
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Speaker Responsibilities

  • All speakers must accept the NPA speaker agreement.
  • All speakers must register for the Convention.
  • All speakers are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses.
  • All speakers are required to meet deadlines.
  • All speakers must upload a bio/head and shoulder photo.
  • All speakers must use event branded Powerpoint for presentation.
  • All speakers must provide presentation in advance of Event.
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Submission Process

Proposals will be accepted online only from December 6 to Friday, February 3, 2023, 8:00 PM EST. During this time, you will be able to edit and modify your presentation(s) as many times as you like.  After this date (without exception) we will no longer accept new or modifications to existing submissions.  

The submission process takes approximately 20-30 minutes. The individual(s) submitting the proposal must also be the individual(s) presenting.  Co-presenter(s) names and panelists must be identified during the submission process.  Substitutions of presenters and panelists will not be allowed after the close date. 

After you have successfully completed the process, you will receive an email from NPA confirming your submission. Keep this confirmation in your files. You can submit up to three (3) presentation proposals.
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Evaluation Process

All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by a peer Review Committee and/or NPA professional staff. Submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria:
  • Overall quality and written description of content.
  • Well-defined educational objectives that match the session description.
  • Relevance of content to the parking, transportation and mobility profession.
  • Level of participant engagement and interactivity. 
  • Presentation skill and experience of the proposed presenter(s).
NPA will build its Convention education program from the highest rated proposals received through the call for proposals process. NPA staff will identify gaps in the program and complete the process through additional content development strategies to create a strong education program that aims to strengthen the skills and knowledge of parking professionals. All sessions must be educational in nature, unbiased and avoiding direct or indirect promotion of any particular product or service.

Self-promotion and the promotion of specific products and services are expressly prohibited in the Speaker Agreement. NPA has made available a variety of sponsorship and sales opportunities throughout the convention, such as the Exhibitor Supplier Stage. For more information on purchasing exhibit space or securing a time slot on the Supplier Stage, email us. 

Speakers who violate the Self-Promotion Policy and NPA Speaker Agreement will not be permitted to present any education sessions at future NPA events.  If you have questions about specific content, or would like further guidance on these policies, please contact Eamon Connor at
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Acceptance Process

If your submission is accepted, a formal email invitation to participate will be sent to you on March 24, 2023 with the details of your assigned time/date. Prior to accepting the invitation to present, please review for any modifications in session title, description or session format (sole presentation, co-presentation, panel or roundtable). NPA may modify one or more of these areas to fit its brand and format guidelines. You will have the opportunity to approve / edit, if needed. You and any other co-presenters will be required to sign and return the NPA Speaker Agreement document no later than  These tasks will be completed through the Speaker Service Center (SSC). A link to the SSC will be included in the invitation to accept email.
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If you have any difficulty with the online database submission process, please contact us at


Submissions for the 2023 NPA Convention and Expo must be completed online. This online application form should take 20 -25 minutes to complete.

Before beginning the application process ensure that you have read and understood the process including the Overview, Planning & Preparation Guidelines, Speaker Timeline, Speaker Agreement, and Frequently Asked Questions

Only completed submissions will be considered for review. You can begin the process, save your submission, and return to update any time before the closing date of midnight (12 pm ET) on Friday, February 3, 2023.

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